The Temple of Odin: Saved Games

These saved games have been made without cheating.

Shareware - Town 2
Easy difficulty. The game is won, you just need to activate the Amulet of the Kings twice.
There is a cache of stuff behind the temple with A large bag and a large chest, 2,854,122cp (Most of it is in silver and gold in the purse in the cache behind the temple), two of most types of rings, most just increase, a few strongly, one of each type of gauntlets, none strongly. Pretty many srolls of create trap, map quadrant, attacks (Fireball, etc.); potions restoration; and various items of summon and clone monsters. Lev boots, plain protection cape, good armor, weapon, and shield, charactor level 14, all spells., over 100 armor value, 87HP, 56 Mana.
Registered - Town 3
Easy difficulty. The game is won, you just need to take the helmet to the Shade. (But it's more fun just to keep fighting :-)
There is a cache loaded with stuff behind the temple, which includes 4 medium packs of holding and a large chest; 14,931,110cp (Most of it is in gold and platinum in the purse in the cache behind the temple); two of each type of ring, all of them strongly and very strongly; one of each type gauntlets, all very strong; Enchanted Defence Bracers (VS); Helm of Detect Monsters, Enchanted Meteoric Steel Helmet (Very strong), and Helm of Storms; Enchanted Axe (VS damage, VS chance to hit, VS armor, resist poison) and an Enchanted Bastard Sword (armor, Dext, VS contitution, Detect Monsters); Enchanted Meteoric Steel Plate Armor (VS, resist poison); Enchanted Amulet of Kings; Cape of Protection (VS); Enchanted Large Meteoric Steel Shield (VS); boots of Lev and Boot of Speed; many restore potions. (dext, mana, strnth ect.); many summon undead, elemental (only one), and plain; many clone monsters; many create traps; many map quadrant/level scrolls; character level 22, all spells, all attrib bars full; over 200 armor value, 371HP, 347 Mana.

If you have an exceptional saved game, e-mail it to me. However, I'm seriously doubting that anyone cares about these or any other saved games you can come up with without hex-editing it for special effects. Note, however, that I've been sent several which I've never even looked at. I'm really lazy and somewhat uninterested in this section. Does anyone really care about these things?